Christians and Lawmakers Against Adoption
C.E. Dorsett
Hate is the Republican Party's plan for reelection of this year... a fear of families:
At least 16 states are considering whether gay men and lesbians are fit to be parents, USA Today reported Tuesday (
I am literally shaking as I write this. Gay Adoption is really a threat to this country? Children having loving families is a bad thing? The very thought does violence to the national soul. Do we really believe that Gay adoption will destroy the country?
Steps to pass laws or secure November ballot initiatives are underway in at least 16 states, adoption, gay rights and conservative groups say. Some — such as Ohio, Georgia and Kentucky — approved constitutional amendments in 2004 banning gay marriage (USA Today).
The Ohio adoption ban has already been defeated, but I have no idea for how long. A wild card in this whole debate is that the Missouri Policy against Gay Adoption was recently ruled without merit. And who could forget Janet Parshall comparing gay adoption to child abuse on Larry King Live.
There are about 520,000 children in foster care, according to the North American Council on Adoptable Children in St. Paul. Of those, 120,000 are available for adoption, but only 50,000 find permanent homes each year (USA Today).
The need for adoptive families in this country is great, and to bar an entire segment of the population from adopting for no reason is unconscionable. Find out if your state is planning to hurt our children by depriving them of parents, and study up on the facts from the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse on the subject (fact sheet here). We have to defend our children from this religious zealots who want to deprive those in need of a good home the family they so richly deserve.