Let me just get this off my chest: If you go to porn sites, you will get virii and worms!! Don't be surprised when your computer dies! Personally, I don't care what people do in their spare time, but use protection.I spent all day trying to fix a clients computer, and it was filled with porn, virii and worms from their sons nightly romps through the neither regions of the internet. Finally fixed it. I don't think I will be able to stomach looking at another naked person for a long, long time.
No more boobies... My God, make it stop...
No more boobies... My God, make it stop...
No more boobies... My God, make it stop...
Let me just get this off my chest: If you go to porn sites, you will get virii and worms!! Don't be surprised when your computer dies! Personally, I don't care what people do in their spare time, but use protection.I spent all day trying to fix a clients computer, and it was filled with porn, virii and worms from their sons nightly romps through the neither regions of the internet. Finally fixed it. I don't think I will be able to stomach looking at another naked person for a long, long time.