Our Lives in Sim City...
Hmm, I know I should not get worked up about this, but you know me. In the Article: Our Lives, Controlled From Some Guy’s Couch - New York Times John Tierney talks to Dr Nick Bostrom from Oxford University about his theory that we are nothing more than a simulation running on someone's computer and notes that there is a better than 20% chance that we are, in fact, created by some futuristic computer geek for the entertainment or curiosity...
That is not what got me worked up. It is just the idea that we are computer simulations has a greater than 20% probability of being true, but if I said I believed in a Higher Power creating the universe, that would be laughed at...
I understand that Atheism is en vogue right now, but to say with a straight face that we are living in an elaborate computer game created by a techno-geek... how is that any more rational?
This reminds me of those people that say they do not believe in angels but instead in aliens, and mock believers in angels. Both beliefs are unprovable through argumentation, so don't even try.
This is Lama News Network's Eric Dorsett, and that is how I see it. :P