National Coming Out Day
C.E. Dorsett
I hope everyone has taken the day to be who they are, and the embrace their identity with out any embarrassment or guilt.
I believe that National Coming Out Day should be a national banking holiday to express who they are openly.
If you like tattoos, SHOW THEM! You should have to hide them to have a posh job!
If you like to wear black and paint your self with make up, DO IT!! Let your Goth flag fly!
Wear your Star Trek lapel pin, promote your favorite music, what ever you are trying to hid so you can fit in to this bland, cold, vacuous culture that seeks to make each of us into homogenized, mindless consumers with nothing out of place or different, COME OUT! This day was made for you and me.
On that note:
George Takei on Politically Direct with David Bender
George Takei and Rachel Maddow will be discussing coming out on tonights show. (See it here)