It's time to break the chains (2016 Objectives)
I know you all are probably tired of hearing me say this, but the last couple years have been hard for me. Depression is a thing. As we start 2016, it is time for me to do something that I haven't done in a while, I need to set some objectives for the new year.
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The break down I went through taught me a couple things.
I am stronger than I thought I was (and so are we all).
You all really do care about not only what we built here, but about me. (That helped me get through more than you know.)
Fandom is what I am, not just something I do.
That third one might sound strange. In my darkest moments, I found strength not only in my faith, but in Spock, the Doctor, and my love for all things Henson. When I didn't feel like doing anything, I would listen to Rainbow Connection, and find the strength to keep going. BTW, I have amassed quite a collection of covers of that song. I think my favorite is by Amanda Palmer. She also helped more than she will ever know. I have never met her, and I probably never will, but her book The Art of Asking, and her music was a big help.
So, having said all that, I have some objectives for this year.
Objective 1. I want to Write more
That might sound overly simple. I am a writer after all, but with everything that has been going on, I haven't been able to write nearly as much, as I wanted. I tied myself down with planning, and did very little writing. I am not going to keep it that vague.
Goal 1.1 I want to post 4 Short Stories a month to Medium
There are a lot of stories in me, and I just need to tell them. I need to stop worrying if this story or that should be a novel, a serial, a novella, novelette, or a short story. I should tell the stories that are in my head, and then listen to you all. If you all want me to elaborate on or extend a story, then that is probably my next novel. After all, what good is all my writing if no one wants to read it, right?
At any rate, I feel like that will be a good way to collaborate more closely with you all. I like the idea, and we'll see how it works out.
Goal 1.2 I want to blog more, at least 5 times a week
This is a bit harder for me. I am so tired of the nonsense hype cycle, and I don't want to be a part of it any more, but there are a lot of things I want to share with you all and discuss. I am going to do my best to take the time to share those thoughts. I have to stop keeping it all inside.
Objective 2. I want to Podcast more
I love podcasting. I really do. So I want to set aside the time to do it more. I even talked Brian into joining me on the podcast again. (insert appropriate happy dance emoji here).
Goal 2.1 Record 5 podcasts a week 22-45 minutes each
Project: Shadow lives again. More themed episodes, but I will try to have a headline section for things that are actually interesting. I am going to need your help with this. I have a lot of things I want to talk about, but could always use your suggestions for show topics.
Two objectives that give me three goals. It might not sound like a lot, but that should keep me busy in 2016. I would really like to know what you think. What are you doing this year? Let me know in the comments.