Well, I finally went and did it. We had our first community Hangout on Air. It was different, but I have to say I had fun with it. If you missed it, the archived video is embedded above, or you can check out Dragons of Night: Behind the Scenes episode 7, which has the audio from it.
If you would like to take part in the next hangout, join the Google plus community and be ready next Friday at 4 PM Central for the next one. Community members will be invited to join the video chat, the first nine will get in, and anyone else will be able to watch or join in the chat room. If you just want to be in the chat, join as a watcher.
In this hangout, we discussed what has been going on, In the Light of the Moon, Wand and Weaver: the Pearl, and The Long Winter.
I look forward to your questions and comments.