Good Reads feels like a place to be alone, so I started a new group
I have been a member of Good Reads for a long time, and I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.
I cannot get into the groups. I have tried, but the conversations are rarely interesting. If you know a good group, please invite me.
I cannot get into the stream... The site feels disjointed. I rate and review books I read, but it doesn't seem to be more than that.
I want Good Reads to be a place I can go to talk about books. Maybe I am using this site wrong. I have looked through many tutorials, but none of them have helped me.
So, in hopes of making Good Reads work the way I want it to, I started a Project: Shadow Book Club. I hope you join. I will give this a year to take off, and I will post there even if I am just talking to myself.
I am reading Kaiju Rising, and made that the first book of the month. It is a collection of short stories about giant monsters destroying cities, but it is so much more. I have really been enjoying the book, and I look forward to discussing it with you.
I also set up a poll for to select the book of the month for October. You can vote on the four books I added or suggest one of your own.
Lets get this book fandom doing what it should: discussion and sharing.