Disney fires the Deathstar at the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Boom!
Queue the fanboy freak out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
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*** Warning, what follows is a RANT ***
So, Disney, ahem, Lucusfilm as owned by Disney, has announced that the Extended Universe never happened (read it here). They are urban legends. Like a good JJ Abrams film or an Ewok that isn't annoying.
While the announcement was polite, and I didn't expect them to canonize the whole of the expanded universe, I thought they would at the very least respect the Thrawn trilogy, if nothing else... I suppose JJ needed his freedom so he could add more lens flare and red matter.
What pisses me off the most about their patronizing announcement is that it feels like this is the decision they had already made, and that they pretended to look into the question in hopes it keep fans like me from freaking out.
Too little, too late. I was done with the Empire a long time ago, and I not really interested in rehashing all this again. I know they are making the films for the mass audience, and they don't give a crap about what the fan base thinks, but this is just salt in the wound JJ cut into my interest in the franchise.
I hope they make a better film than I think they will, but my hope is as dead as Alderaan.