Would you pay for a Boxee app?

Image via CrunchBase
[Avner] Ronen says that the company still has yet to collect any revenue for use of its media center software, but that it's working on a way to allow content owners to charge for the Boxee Apps that they create (Contentinople).
This begs the question: Would you pay for a Boxee App? I might but there are a few ground rules that would have to be established:
Rules for Paid Apps
Paid App channels would have to be commercial free.
Paid App channels must have a free version to test the content.
Apps must be cheap! The more they cost, the fewer people will pay.
Apps should be available for networks and individual shows.
Reasons I would pay for an app
Foreign Content: BBC iPlayer is top on my list, but I have a soft spot for Chinese and Indian TV.
Supporting Indie Media: I would pay to support the Guild, Legend of Neil and other shows, but I would expect extras.
How I hope this works
I have hoped for a long time that Apple would open its platform to allow more options. So far they haven't. I think Media should have a tiered support system:
Free: Ad supported, let me check it out
Tiny Fee: Watch commercial Free
Small Fee: Own outright (The content is downloaded to my device)
Modest Fee: Own outright with special features
I want to be able to watch any show and upgrade my content as I see fit.
Did I miss anything?
What would make you want to pay for a Boxee App? What rules do you have? What model would you like to see?
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