It's not something you buy
Let me fill myself with tears you cry
You know I am in a fun mood when I open a post with a quote from Black Sabbath. I've had Wishing Well stuck in my head all week.
As a writer, I want to entertain people, but I also want to share something intensely person. Something that con only be shared through stories.
I love it when I hear from you all. You make all the soul searching worth it. But, I feel a strong urge to be original. To tell stories that are different from the ones I read, watch, and listen to.
The problem with originality is getting other people into it. I read the reviews and so often they make me smile.
As I work on this story, I wanted to return to the things I love. You can really see that in Wand and Weaver: The Chain.
The other problem with my struggle for originality is that it fills my head with more stories than I know what to do with.
So, I think I have seen a way forward. Wand and Weaver is a bigger story than I can easily tell, but I think I have found a way to do it.
I have changed my focus for the serial. I am going to tell a story that parallels the main story so I can give you all a fuller image of what is going in in the world.
I'm still not sure what I am going to do with the story if Amazon Serials doesn't take it. I am looking for options if you know about any.
What other stories in the Dragons of Night world do you want to read? Let me know.