Dusting at dashPunk

Image by striatic via Flickr
We are moving into a new era here at dashPunk, or to say that with a bit less drama: It is almost spring. As we prepare for the April issue, I have a couple questions for you all:
Is your fandom a little dusty?
Do you have any area of fandom that you would like us to shine a little light on, or dust off for spring?
I have been reconnecting to my fannish roots, and falling in love with old loves all over again. Have you looked as something with new eyes lately? If so share your story with us.
The Best in SF
We are also preparing our first look at the best SF out there. If you want to make sure your favorites make the list, send them in.
New Music
We are also building our first look at musicians and bands that everyone needs to know about this spring. Send in your nominations.
Jump in!
Leave your comments here or email them to me. I can't wait to see what is heating up out there.
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