A Thought on Family
It dawned on me today when Brian began to read Phara-un Episode 2 to help me proofread that I don't think my father as ever read anything I have ever written. Not that he has to, or that anyone in my family has any obligation to read what I've written, but I find that a little strange.Mom reads my work... she finds it a little strange (I think she prefers my poetry), but she is fairly supportive. My sister, Chris, used to, but she doesn't have the time anymore (bless her heart, see just works to much.). My brother and other sister have never read anything I've written, but then again, we don't talk as much as I would like.
I really wonder why Dad won't read my work... He doesn't even take much interest in it.
Well, I have to get back to work... the stories don't write themselves unless I do the typing. They are lazy like that. Talk to you all later.
News From Afghanistan
U.S. Probes Death of Afghan Detainee [AP on Yahoo!]
US probes alleged torture death of Afghan soldier [AFP on Yahoo!]
U.S. Attack Kills 6 Rebels in Afghanistan [AP on Yahoo!]