Neil Gaiman’s Sandman on the TV
Fear and trepidation fills my dark and lonely heart:
THR says that Warner Bros. TV is getting the rights to Sandman, and is in the process of talking to different writers and producers about heading up the adaptation. Supernatural’s Eric Kripke is reportedly at the top of WB’s wish list (/Film.).
I really don't know how to feel about this...
Sandman came into my life at a very formative time, and became an embedded part of my psyche. I love this series with passion that I cannot really describe.
I assume (Sorry Uma), that this show will air either on the CW or in Syndication. We can rule out HBO since they already passed on the series.
If this is a CW show, I am against it. The lightweight content on the CW would be a horrid match for the aetheric dreamscape of Sandman. They would also turn the goth to emo...
I am not sure Sandman could ever be translated into Television well. I hope Neil says something about this soon.