SF News Bites: Glee, Merlin, Iron Man 2 and Stone Age Medicine
Season two brings us hope and promise for Kurt to find a new boyfriend. I'm excited over this prospect because Glee has a track record of being very respectful in their portrayal of minorities. In addition to that they have done such a great job in representing Kurt as a gay character especially in the episode when he comes out to his friends and family. (via 365gay)
Merlin Season two will be aired in the US on SyFy starting April 2. (via Whedonesque)
Iron Man 2
For those chomping at the bit to see anything out for Iron Man2 there is a gallery of pictures via Filmonic. They are stills of the main images represented in the trailer Iron Man 2 Official Trailer and video.
AD/DC has a new album due to release April 19th called AC/DC: Iron Man 2. It's a collection of their songs to be featured in Iron Man 2. Preorder your copy here: Iron Man 2 (Deluxe CD/ DVD Package). They have also posted a video of "Shoot To Thrill." (via AC/DC)
Stone Age Medicine
Bit of Odd news, stone age medicine more advanced than thought. Evidence found to show amputation performed in sterile conditions (via Unexplained Mysteries)