Would You Pay Hulu For Content?
Would you be willing to pay $4.99 per month subscription to Hulu for more content?
Image via Wikipedia
Hulu is considering limiting free episodes for some TV series to the latest five, and charging $4.99 a month for access to the rest. They are looking to offer at least 20 new and older series in this fashion to entice users. More concrete pricing plans could be announced within six months. (via /film)
I would be willing to pay $4.99 per month subscription so long as there is some great value added in.
Getting access to more episodes then just the 5 latest ones
not having to wait long for the episode to air
I would even be willing to pay some more if they could throw in a Boxee App and / or X-Box App so that I can watch Hulu on my TV.
I would not be willing to pay for
Access to individual shows, If I wanted to do that I would continue to buy the DVD’s and order them through iTunes.
Basic access: The corporate overlords need to realize the true value in a freemium model. There are many shows that I would not have bought on DVD or even watched if they had not been on Hulu. Keeping the shows free both increases sales and reduces piracy.
With more to be announced in six months I will have to keep the faith that the Hulu experiment will be allowed to grow instead of being hamstrung further by their corporate masters News Corp. Disney, and soon to be Comcast.