Sanctuary Season 2 News with Trailer
The Sanctuary mythos is growing! The trailer made me foam at the mouth for more of one of the best original series I have seen in a long time.
Paul McGillion returns, David Hewlett is conflicted
Tapping also mentioned a few characters that she'd like to bring back from the Web series. "We actually just brought Wexford [Atlantis' Paul McGillion] back. ... He's on our season finale. We've been trying to get Wexford back on the show since the webisodes, and now we've found the perfect place for him. ... We've been trying to get David Hewlett [Dr. Rodney McKay from Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis]; ... we have. There was a scheduling issue. He was shooting a film. And then there was another scheduling issue. ... We'll get him on the show eventually. We love him. We want him to be a part of it (Scifi Wire)."
Wexford is a great character from the original series and I cannot wait to see him come back.
I understand that they will be "re-imagining" his creature to take advantage of the bigger budget. It will be fun to catch up with him.
I am a little sad to see that Larry Tolson (Hewlett) will not return this season. Hewlett is busy. I understand that. I just really want to see him return to the show.
Tesla Returns
Nikola Tesla (Jonathon Young) is portrayed as a vampire on the show. "I sort of have always liked vampires," Tapping said. "I've always liked that dark mythology. ... Vampires are hot right now. ... I think we have one of the best vampires going in Tesla. I like the fact that we take historical characters, ... Nikola Tesla, a vampire, what? That's crazy! I like that we do that. ... Jonathan actually played Tesla onstage. He did a one-man show about Tesla before we cast him as Tesla on our show. And Nikola Tesla is being played much different ... in our series. Tesla didn't like to be touched. He ended up living in a room, and he was surrounded by pigeons ... so it was quite filthy for a germophobe to live in this environment. ... He was just a really bizarre character. He never had a relationship. ... We played Tesla somewhat different for obvious reasons (Scifi Wire)."
I love the way Tesla is portrayed in Sanctuary. It is an interesting and fresh take on Vampires.
Tesla is a loved villain on the show and I cannot wait to see more about him. I hope they will flesh out the vampire a little more, because I cannot get enough of the bloodsuckers. I also have high hopes that they will make Vampires quirky and badass!
Michael Shanks on Sanctuary
Heyerdahl said in an exclusive interview. "This episode is called 'Penance,' or at least that's what it's called now. Basically, we have a special guest star, who is Michael Shanks. He's playing a wonderful departure from what we're used to seeing him. The two characters that spend most of their time together are Michael's character, Jimmy, and Kate Freelander [played by new cast member Agam Darshi]. They end up together and discover they share a similar past. They're a couple of streetwise wanderers who find their lives have a very surprising similarity. It's a pretty cool episode because it's a mystery search story, as well as those two characters getting together to fight for their lives (Scifi Wire)."
Sounds interesting. I hope he is a recurring villain. I can't get enough Evil Shanks.
The Show Premiers
The second season of Sanctuary premieres on Oct. 9 a 10 p.m. Special guest stars this season include Christopher Gauthier (Eureka) and Michael Shanks (Stargate SG-1) [Scifi Wire].
Hulu should get the episode the next day.