Legend of the Seeker's Next 5 Episodes
The Official Legend of the Seeker site have added 3 new pictures from the final 5 episodes of the season. There is nudity! Sorta.
Kahlan swimming
Richard sees her
Richard and Kahlan kiss in the water
As you can see in these 3 pictures, Richard will apparently catch Kahlan bathing again, but this time they embrace each other. Dangerous, but fun to look at.
Also, Fantasy.fr is reporting the names of the final 5 episodes of Season 1 of Legend of the Seeker. Take the names with a grain of salt, they are translated from French into English, so the English Titles may be slightly different:
Mirror (Legend of the Seeker Episode 18) will be released on 25 April 2009.
Cursed (Legend of the Seeker Episode 19) will be released on 2 May 2009.
Sanctuary (Legend of the Seeker Episode 20) will be released on 9 May 2009.
Fever (Legend of the Seeker Episode 21) will be released on 16 May 2009.
Reckoning (Legend of the Seeker Episode 22, "Season Finale") will be released May 23 (Fantasy.fr)
I assume the reports about a 23 episode season were wrong.