JMS on Forbidden Planet, World War Z, Lensmen and Last Words
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J. Michael Straczynski has given us a bunch of updates:
Forbidden Planet
I'm on draft two of Forbidden Planet, and the process is going well, very exciting stuff, and I hope I can talk about some of that in more detail soonish (JMSNews).
While I am not a big fan of remakes, if anyone could make this movie right, it's Joe. Rumors persist that the new Forbidden Planet will be a trilogy explaining what happened to the Krell. I cannot wait to learn more.
World War Z
About to make the final touches to World War Z, then with any luck we can get this thing into pre-productoin also soonish (JMSNews).
I am a little tired of Zombie movies. The book was good and the audiobook was better. I am curious how they are going to do the film.
Draft One of Lensman is in, now working on draft two (JMSNews).
The Lensmen is E. E. Smith's Space Opera masterpiece which defined an entire genre. The very notion of the creator of Babylon 5 working on what will hopefully be to first film in the series makes me as giddy as a kid on Christmas Eve. Note to Hollywood: Green light this film!
Ninja Assassin
There have been a couple of previews for Ninja Assassin, and the audience scores have been just terrific. I have a suspicion that this is going to do very well (JMSNews) .
This is the next film from the Wachowski brothers who made The Matrix, V for Vendetta, and Speed Racer. Need I say any more?
Last Words
The pilot script for Last Words has gone in to Dreamworks, and they're very very pleased with the script. So we'll see where this goes (JMSNews).
Wait a minute... Joe + Dreanworks + pilot = awesome series I need to see.
Other News
Interestingly, due to all the writing work, I've lately begun to be offered directing gigs, most of it in the SF genre (natch). Nothing has grabbed me enough yet to want to tackle it, but we'll see what the future holds. A couple of studios have extended the offer for me to write and direct my own stuff, which is pretty cool.
My agent has forbidden me to take on any other screenplay assignments until March/April, but some projects have begun to circle Casa Straczynski of late, looking for an open place to land when an opening comes. Some very cool stuff on the horizon (JMSNews).
Anything I get from Joe, I am ready to go. Great news all around.