Star Wars Much Ado About Something?
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Tomas Dolby posted a fun update on his blog about some future Star Wars projects that has got many running in circles. Is it much ado about nothing rather then something?
Thomas Dolby, poptastic mastermind of Hyperactive and She Blinded Me With Science fame, posted an update to his blog about his current stay in Tiburon, CA, across the bay from San Francisco. His host, he revealed, is one Paul Sebastien of Lucasarts. The kicker comes when Dolby writes:
Last night he was telling me a little about the forthcoming Star Wars-related TV show, movie and online games—very cool indeed.
Because of the probable NDA he would have to be as vague as to mention a TV show, Movie and Online Games. This would keep the actual project secret and would still be true since Lucas Arts is working on all three anyhow. It sounds to me like he is referring to many of the projects that are already in the works.
Game: The long awaited KTOR online MMORPG. I can’t wait for that to come out. There is also Star Wars Battlefront 3, also can't wait for that one. And probably several other tie in games I would be shocked if there weren’t.
Lucas Arts is working on a live action TV show, a project that has been in the pipeline for a while now.  I hope that is what he was referring to. I want to see this project. Since the success of releasing the Clone Wars pilot as a movie I hope this will be repeated for the live action show.
What I wish they would do is:
KTORÂ movie, maybe a tie in to the MMORPG
AÂ movie taking the Star Wars saga forward after the Yavin event or maybe a movie version of Legacy of the Force!
I can hope.
(via /Film)