Males vs. Females on Social Network Sites
Image via Wikipedia
Royal Pingdom shared an interesting study showing that most social networks are used by women. The exception to the rule are he social news sites Digg, Reddit and Slashdot which have more male users than female. Why is this?
The other social networks are focused on social interaction over discovery. The connection between people and the interaction amongst that connection. Although all people seek this out, guys tend to find this through a shared activity like gamming online or in-person interaction like work, sports, bars, and other projects.
What is interesting is that the three social news networks are more about discovery and sharing of news connecting them through a common activity rather then socially. This could also apply to, delicious, linkedin, stumbleupon, and friendfeed.
What sets the second group apart from the first is the aggressiveness of the environment. This becomes evident in the tone of what is shared and the tone of the comments. Thus why the ratio is closer to 50% for the second group.
What does this study show me
When deciding on what social networks to participate in consider:
What type of an environment are you looking for: One that is more aggressive or one that is more supportive.
Are you looking for news or personal interaction?
The study is also fun to show support for general marketing and sociological knowledge.
via Podcasting News.
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