Stan Lee 'to create worlds first gay superhero'?
Image via Wikipedia
Wait, what?
Lee has reportedly created a character called Thom Creed, a high-school basketball player who is forced to hide his sexuality as well as his superpowers (Telegraph).
Okay... but the Telegraph is claiming that this would be the World's first gay superhero.
I suppose if you don't count:
Abbe (Vertigo)
Angel (Marvel)
Anole (Marvel)
Apollo and Midnighter (Wildstorm)
Argo Bones (DC)
Arnie (DC/ Vertigo)
Arnold Astrovik (Marvel)
Arnold Roth (Marvel)
Batwing (Marvel)
Bloke (Marvel)
Brass Taki and Wingo (DC)
Cannon and Saber (DC)
Captain Metropolis (DC)
Captain Stingaree (DC)
Cavalier (DC)
Chain (Homage)
Charles Mowbray (Vertigo)
Chemical King (DC)
Christopher Truelove (Wildstorm)
Cluracan (DC)
Colossus (Marvel)
Colt Varney (Marvel)
Damon Mathews (DC)
Destroyer and Union Jack II (Marvel)
Devlin Waugh (Fleetway)
Dueces Wild & Summer Ice (Eclipse)
Enigma (Vertigo)
Extrano (DC)
Fade (Milestone)
Flatman (Marvel)
Freedom Ring (Marvel)
Frenchie DuChamp (Marvel)
Gannon Malloy (DC)
Ghost Boy (Class Enterprises)
Go Go Fiasco (Vertigo)
Hayden (Marvel)
Hector (Marvel)
Henry Greider (Marvel)
Hero (DC)
Hooded Justice (DC)
Houston (DC)
Hulkling (Marvel)
Jet Man (ABC)
Jon Dazy (Class Enterprises)
Josiah Power (DC)
Lance Gardner (DC)
Living Lightning (Marvel)
Machinesmith (Marvel)
Manga Khan (DC)
Mitch Sekofsky (DC)
Monsieur Mallah and The Brain (DC)
Mr. Seduct (Marvel)
Ned Campbell (Marvel)
New Romantic (Wildstorm)
Nick Bearclaw (Vertigo)
Nick Poole (Oni Press)
Nigel Clowes (Marvel)
Noir (Wildstorm)
Northstar (Marvel)
Northstar (Ultimate) (Marvel)
Obsidian (DC)
Off-Ramp (DC)
Paulie and Douglas (Rabco)
Piper (DC)
Pride (Andy Mangels)
Ramsey Robinson (DC)
Rawhide Kid (Marvel)
Rick Stone (Milestone)
Robert Thaldron (Marvel)
Sebastian O (Vertigo)
Spectral (Malibu)
Tasmanian Devil (DC)
Terry Berg (DC)
The Answer II (Marvel)
The Crusader (Timely)
The Mink & Chippy (King Hell Press)
Tlaango (Marvel)
Tommy Jagger (DC)
Tony Mantegna (DC)
Toro (DC)
Turbo Charge (Malibu)
Tyler Lang and Jefferson Wolfe (Marvel)
Vivisector and Phat (Marvel)
Wallace Wells (Oni Press)
Walter Kasko and Samual Daly (DC)
Wiccan (Marvel)
Wing (Image/JInxworld)
Yoshi Mishima (Marvel)
Amazon (Marvel)
Amy Chen (Marvel)
Andy Jones (DC)
Anna (Drawn & Quarterly)
Annie and Nibble (Eros Comix)
Batwoman (DC)
Cactus Jaq & Sahara Skyhawk (DC)
Captain Marvel IV (Marvel)
Captain Power (Marvel)
Catatrophe Jen (Marvel)
Closet Space (DC)
Coagula (Vertigo)
Cobweb (ABC)
Damazons (DC)
Donner and Blitzen (Milestone)
Dr. Allison Mann (Vertigo)
Fauna and Syonide (DC)
Fighting Yank & Ms. Masque (ABC)
Flying Fox (Homage)
George Harkness & Phoebe (Vertigo)
Grendel (Dark Horse)
Hazel and Foxglove (Vertigo)
Holly Robinson (DC)
Jack Phantom (ABC)
Jolly Roger (Vertigo)
Karma (Marvel)
Karolina Dean (Marvel)
Kay Watson (Vertigo)
Knockout (DC)
Leather and Lace (Marvel)
Lee and Li (DC)
Lightspeed (Marvel)
Lisa (Marvel)
Maggie Sawyer (DC)
Magical Witch Girl Bunny (Slave Labor)
Marisa Rahm (Milestone)
Mary Loo (DC)
Meg Chancellor (Vertigo)
Melissa Maro (Marvel)
Molly Von Richthofen (Marvel)
Moondragon (Marvel)
Purgatori (Chaos)
Rebecca Bergier (Marvel)
Rebecca Cross (Marvel)
Renee Montoya (DC)
Rita Boyd (DC)
Roger Dascombe (DC)
Rose Copen (Vertigo)
Sailor Neptune & Sailor Uranus (Kodansha/Mixx)
Scandal (DC)
Sihouette (DC)
Sunfire II (Marvel)
Tara Algren and Bethany Flynn (Marvel)
Tristan and Isolde (DC)
Valerie Susan Page (DC)
Victoria Montesi (Marvel)
Willow and Tara (Dark Horse)
...and that doesn't count the bisexual and ambiguous characters.
I hope Creed is an interesting character, but he will not be the first gay superhero.
(thanks the The Gay League for the lists)