Busy Time for Writers
At around 7pm Feburary 12th the Writers Guild of America announced that the members voted to lift the strike order. Patric Verrone the WGA West president said.
"The strike is over," he said. "Our membership has voted, and writers can go back to work. This was not a strike we wanted, but one we had to conduct in order to win jurisdiction and establish appropriate residuals for writing in new media and on the Internet. Those advances now give us a foothold in the digital age. Rather than being shut out of the future of content creation and delivery, writers will lead the way as TV migrates to the Internet and platforms for new media are developed."
This is hopefully just in time so that the writers can get to work fixing the many problematic scripts that the studios have already stubbornly started shooting. For instance X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Star Trek, and Justice League.
via Movie Hole