Star Wars: Clone Wars Streaming Free Online
The first 10 episodes of Star Wars: Clone Wars is free streaming online for a limited time! I love this series from the movie length pilot that got a theatrical release through the first 10 episodes.
Now is your chance to get caught up on the series. From December 22nd through January 5th the first 10 episodes will stream online at the Cartoon Network’s and on Star Wars site. I like the Star Wars site’s player more though and they have all of the preview videos, games, and episodes commentary.
My two most favorite episodes so far are episode #1 Ambush and Episode #10 Lair of Grievous . In Ambush we get to watch Yoda in action and learn at the feet of a Jedi Master. In Lair of Grievous we get to see a statue of Grievous before his accident and transformation and we get to see into the generals mind including a glimpse of his true feelings about Duku!
The show will resume on Friday, January 2nd with episode 11 "Dooku Captured" I can’t wait!
Read the Review of The Clone Wars movie here.
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