Klingons in the Theater
Image via Wikipedia
Not since the Klingon Opera have so many Klingons been on the stage.
A Klingon Christmas Carol
On December 13th, for the second year in a row, the St. Paul, MN theater group Commedia Beauregard is performing "A Klingon Christmas Carol." The official press release states. The theater company usually do performances translated into English, and this is the first work translated from English (although some would say that this is being done in the original Klingon). The translation was done by the company along with the help of members of the local Klingon fan club, the IKV Rakehall (Trek Movie).
I hope the level of violence rises to the required level. A callow dishonorable Scrooge needs to learn how to stand up and be strong. I can only hope they video it and put it on the web somewhere.
Hamlet in Klingon
I an attempt to get some support from the fans they have alienated, Paramount is filming a production of Hamlet in Klingon for a special feature for the Bluray version of the upcoming movie.
It is too little, too late. You cannot make up for a movie that is being hyped as a “movie trekkers will cry heresy” during by putting a Klingon Hamlet as a special feature on a medium no one cares about.