In Theater: Max Payne
This movie is about a vigilante cop seeking revenge for the murder of his family… have you become as bored as I have? The story description for Max Payne has done it a great injustice and I too was all too ready to write off this movie as not even interested then I watched the trailer.
Wait! before you write off this movie
watch the trailer.
Are you excited now? I am! This movie follows a vigilante into a dark underworld where Max Payne must battle supernatural forces beyond his own imagination. The trailer rocks and it pulled this movie from not even interested to must see. Max Payne hits theaters October 17th.
They listed this movie as an action, crime, drama, thriller, but I would also add dark fantasy since there are also what appears to be some sort of demons and other worldly forces in the trailer. For more information about the movie read October Theater or Renter.
Let me know what you think. Will you go to see Max Payne in the theater on October 17 or rent it? If you have seen it in the theater should I go see it and why?
Get your copy of Max Payne here

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