Hunting New Fantasy
October is coming, and it is nearly time for me write another novel. After sifting through all the stories in my back file, I have decided to go forward with an Urban Fantasy/Steampunk setting that takes place on earth in the present day. I have already started building maps and creating characters to fill out the world of Blackwood Abbey, but one thing eludes me: THE PLOT.
Don't get me wrong, I have hundreds of ideas for a story, but I think they are all quite mundane, run of the mill Urban Fantasy or Steampunk stories. I really want to do something different, or at the very least, unexpected.
When I wrote Liquid Sky, the idea of a Wuxia (martial arts fantasy) set within a Space Opera really excited me. I am looking for a similar cross-genre or extra-genre plot to bring something fresh and new to a style that I love.
Hopefully, I will have a story soon, but I will be thinking out loud at Blackwood It is an interesting new world that is coming to light.
(from my Blog)