EVE Online Pwns Windows XP
If you are running a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, is it a good idea to name your files the same as vital Windows file? Do you think it is a good thing to send out a patch without having someone check the file structure to be altered?
The latest update for EVE Online, Trinity, was scheduled to add all sorts of wonderful features such as upgraded models, textures and the additional of HDR. Tragically, along with the addition of these new beautifications comes a slightly less than perfect installer which can potentially clobber NT Loader's configuration settings, leaving the machine unbootable (GayGamer.net).
Yikes!! I have never played Eve, but I was considering giving the trial a shot, but now... not so much. After reading through the forum threads Asterick linked to, I am a little concerned. I am curious though. How many games have the potential to do this? Should I worry about Lord of the Rings Online doing this? I have to look into this further.