''The Boondocks'' strip on Hiatus
C.E. Dorsett
Take a deep breath:
Cartoonist Aaron McGruder, creator of “The Boondocks,” is taking six months off from his popular and at times controversial comic strip about the misadventures of a black family in white suburbia (Indianapolis Star).
I know it's hard to hear, but it is for a good cause:
...his hiatus ... would begin the week of March 27 and end in October. Speculation has centered on the demands of McGruder's Cartoon Network TV show. The show, which is based on the strip, was launched last year.
Cartoon Network says the show won't be affected by McGruder's hiatus (Indianapolis Star).
I wish McGruder the best of everything. He has the best strip on the page and the best show on the TV machine right now. I wish him the best and will miss the strip.