Not Another Lovecraft Movie?
Reenter the skeptic:
Writer/director Guillermo del Toro told SCI FI Wire that he'd like to direct a faithful film version of H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness as one of the projects he'd like to do next, ... "The whole idea of Lovecraft's position towards the universe, he's very much like an Albert Camus position," del Toro said in an interview, referring to the French novelist and philosopher..., on Dec. 18. "He's an existentialist. He says the cosmos is indifferent to man. At the very best is indifferent. And [it] just [sees] us as fleas, or ... [is] hostile to us."
Del Toro, director of Hellboy and Blade II, has been developing a film version of Madness since at least 2003 (SciFi Wire).
So there you have it. I am indifferent to del Toro's work. I enjoy it, but it evokes no strong emotions in me one way or another. When I watched Hellboy, I thought it felt like a low budget Lovecraft knockoff, so may be del Toro might make a good movie...
I have seen so many bad Lovecraft inspired films over the years, that I have almost given up hope that there will ever be a good one, not to even dream of a great one.
I like del Toro's comparison of Lovecraft to Camus. It shows a deeper understanding of a writer that is often trivialized. Personally, I would rather see the Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath. According to IMDB there is one, but I can't find it on Netflix.