Silence = Nonexistence (Personal Version)
by C.E. Dorsett
My voice is my life... the vital essence of who and what I am.
I write because to do otherwise would betray my very nature.
I am the words that flow from my mind.
Without hesitation I must speak out!
No one sees the world like I do... one sees the world like you...
If no one was silent...
If everyone one was honest...
to themselves and to the world
what would the future hold?
I promise, I swear,
by sun, by moon,
by very the breath of life within me,
I will never lie to you, my readers,
I will correct any errors
Agree, or not, you must know
every word is straight from my soul.
I owe it to you, but even more,
I owe it to myself.
My voice is all I have, and I will use it. No one will silence me. I am here. I exist! This is the life I will live. Now and forever.